Aurora Women’s Empowerment Foundation Makes Grant Possible
Jen Mendoza and Dr. Bill Marzano
AURORA, IL, USA, September 18, 2024. The Aurora Women’s Empowerment Foundation — an organization which seeks to reimagine female empowerment through funding grants benefitting Aurora women and girls — has awarded four full scholarships to women in leadership roles in Aurora-area nonprofits so the recipients can attend the Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce’s esteemed 2024 Leadership Academy.
When most people think of prestigious, invaluable education, they likely imagine Harvard, Wharton, or another Ivy League institution with an exorbitant price tag. What they probably do not imagine is the Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce (ARCC) — a distinguished organization imparting indispensable knowledge to students every year at its annual Leadership Academy. Since the first week of September, those seeking to elevate their leadership capabilities have begun acquiring hands-on experience from 12 diverse Aurora businesses and organizations so they can better their business skills and strengthen their neighborhoods.

Jen Mendoza, Interim President and CEO of ARCC, and 2023 graduate of Leadership Academy, attained her current position thanks, in part, to the expertise she received at Leadership Academy. “I want people to know that Leadership Academy has tremendous value,” encouraged Mendoza. “The program has real world applications that inspire students to do what they already love doing — namely forming connections and cultivating community.”

Essential to the program is its emphasis on Aurora and its economy and government. “Aurora is a beautiful city,” said Dr. Bill Marzano, Education Facilitator at Leadership Academy. As a retired higher education administrator and active professor at Waubonsee Community College, Dr. Marzano himself strives to be a strong leader for his hometown. “As the City of Lights, I believe we have an obligation to be a beacon for Illinois. We don’t build managers or figureheads; we build leaders and innovators.”
It might be obvious that businesses and communities cannot thrive without strong leaders, but Dr. Marzano believes that leadership alone isn’t enough. “A great business leader isn’t a military general who barks commands. On the contrary, they instruct and disrupt norms. Leaders serve the public, not the other way around. That’s why Leadership Academy follows a servant-leadership model. PowerPoints and rulebooks don’t do the job. Leadership comes from experience.”
“This will be our third-year awarding Leadership Academy scholarships,” said Amy Baudouin, Board Chair of the Aurora Women’s Empowerment Foundation (AWEF). “The Chamber’s Leadership Academy has uplifted our city for 46 years and continues to do so, and it’s always great to help leaders be the best version of themselves.”
In alphabetical order, the four scholarship recipients are:

Arella Swan, is an Events and Marketing Assistant who coordinates events for Downtown Aurora and manages its social media. She not only plans and markets events from her desk, Arella also participates in their physical manifestation on the ground when it’s time for a parade or arts festival. “As a person who loves networking,” Arella looks forward to connecting with colleagues to help evolve Downtown Aurora.

Gaëlle Vernet, is Founder of Hope and Discovery Travel and was originally a mental health professional until she shifted careers so she could be better available to her son. While social work and a travel agency may seem like two entirely different careers, Gaëlle finds that there is nothing more therapeutic than travel. “Helping people go to the places of their dreams is my own dream come true.” Thus far she has been navigating the business world via “trial and error,” and seeks expert guidance through the Leadership Academy to grow Hope and Discovery Travel.

Yvonne Villalpando, works for the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) as its Director of Childcare Business Program where she cultivates and leverages relationships with stakeholders who invest in childcare. “Children are the future and it’s integral that they have access to great social and educational environments.” She is eager to use her new business skills to enhance WBDC’s partnership with Auroran organizations.

Ana C. Zacatzi, is Program Coordinator for DVSA Communities where she organizes events that highlight DVSA and its mission to erase domestic violence. “Before domestic violence is erased, it must be exposed, and that means empowering victims through the creation of confidential support spaces. For victims to feel safe, we must stop the stigma surrounding domestic violence.” Through Leadership Academy, Ana will explore new avenues to expand domestic violence awareness.
Over the 10 weeks of site-based field trips, participants learn about major organizations in the community and hear from their leaders. Among this year’s participating organizations are: Bardwell Residences, an assisted living facility; RUSH Copley Medical Center; Gripple, an eco-friendly agricultural wiring manufacturer; Santori Library, Aurora’s main public library; Loaves and Fishes Community Services, a nonprofit battling hunger; Old Second National Bank, Dunham Foundation, and Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley, organizations that all prioritize philanthropy; Paramount Theatre; the Aurora Police Department; and Aurora University and Waubonsee Community College.

Added Amy Baudouin, “Each organization participating in this unique program is a pillar of leadership within Aurora that goes above and beyond in their civic duties — and offers excellent insight to forthcoming leaders.”

The Aurora Women’s Empowerment Foundation mission is to elevate and empower Aurora-area women and future women by making grants to tax-exempt nonprofits engaged in meaningful, measurable work that helps women over the hurdles of inequity and exclusion, propelling them forward with life-changing programs and services. For more information about grants made by AWEF, including our grant guidelines and online application, visit
The Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce is the voice for business success, uniting organizations with their community to create economic.
For more than 100 years, the Chamber of Commerce has served the greater Aurora region across four counties (DuPage, Kane, Kendall and Will), and currently represents nearly 600 businesses, earning the 5-star accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an honor bestowed on only 1% of Chambers nationwide. For more information about Leader Academy and other ARCC programs, contact (630) 256-3180 or visit